Who we are

Young minds, bright people, experienced into the market with a strong desire of changing the way the bus business is made.Eurobusnext is the evolution of Eurobusnetwork, a company born in 2009 with the aim of creating an association of bus companies so to deliver the best service ever with a guarantee of 24/7 assistance, service coverage, and support for both the client and the bus companies.In this industry not everybody has a tough skin so to face all the difficulties typical of the market: having a nearby bus available when a breakdown happens, having a fleet large enough to cover potential out bookings, being able to prepay quite costly expenses beforehand like gasoline, check points, road tolls, parking … and so on.Here is where Eurobusnetwork placed itself and could help a lot of clients to get connected with smaller institutions and vice versa. In 10 years we became the market leader of the industry and parnershiped with so many clients and so many bus companied that let us win the Fortune 1000 prize in 2015 as one of the fastest growing companies in Europe (https://ig.ft.com/ft-1000/).Successful business, have to understand when it’s about time to move on and beget the next level of working together: EurobusNext.